Services We Offer

Diabetic Clinic
If you have Diabetes, you will be invited in once a year for your annual foot check. Your BP and weight will also be checked at this appointment. At this appointment it would be helpful if you could bring along a urine sample. You will also have a blood test done. One to two weeks later, a Diabetic specialist Nurse will phone you to discuss your blood results and your Diabetic medication.

Asthma & COPD Clinic
If you have Asthma or COPD you should have a check-up at least once a year. Please make an appointment with one of our Chronic Disease Specialist Nurses.

Women's Health
All methods of contraception are available and one of our Nurses can do routine contraceptive pill check-up and coil checks following fitting.

Phlebotomy Clinic
Healthcare Assistants are available every day to perform blood tests.

Immunisation of adults - including Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio boosters.
During Autumn we offer 'flu vaccinations to patients at particular risk. This includes the elderly or frail, people with asthma or diabetes, those with long standing heart and lung problems and people on long-term steroids or immuno suppressant treatment.

Disease Management
Many long-term conditions need regular monitoring and blood tests.
Your Doctor or the Practice Nurse can advise you.

Minor Surgical Procedures
Two partners are qualified to undertake a range of minor surgical procedures at the Surgery.