Making the Most of your Medicines

New NHS Structured Medication Review
Your doctor would like you to attend for a Structured Medication Review (SMR) with the surgery Clinical Pharmacist. This is a new NHS service which offers a one-to-one review of your medicines but differs slightly from your usual reviews.
How does it differ from a normal review & how long will it take?
This will be a conversation between you and the pharmacist about ALL the medicines you take. It will be more thorough than before and allow you time to talk about how well the medicines are working for you and if you have any concerns. This review is likely to take approximately 20 minutes. If you need further information or support, you will be offered a follow up appointment in the future.
Where will the SMR take place & who can it include?
The conversation will be held on the telephone or face to face if you prefer
You can have a family member or carer with you for the review if this will help you.
How do I prepare for this review?
We would ask you to think about your medicines before the review e.g. how well they are working; are you getting any side effects; any concerns about your medicines or treatment; any improvements that might help you. Please see below for some questions to support you in preparing for our appointment in order to get the most out of it.
Please have your medicines with you for the review as we may need to check them together over the phone, so we are clear which medications we are discussing.
Yes, I’d like an SMR – how do I book it?
The majority of patients will be contacted and booked in for a review, or you can also call the surgery if you wish to speak to the clinical pharmacist . The receptionist will offer the next available appointment to suit you.
If your annual drug or blood pressure monitoring is due, we may ask you to have these done before the review.